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Keto Cheesecake Muffins

Έγινε ενημέρωση: 6 Απρ 2023

Low carb, keto friendly muffins with cream cheese, sugar free, wheat flour free, gluten free and also diabetic friendly!

Keto / low carb

Κέτο Cheesecake Μαφινς
Keto Cheesecake Muffins

This is an easy and very tasty recipe for low carb muffins, made without many ingredients in only 5 minutes! These muffins become fluffy andjuicy and you don't even need to use a hand mixer! It's the perfect solution for a sweet breakfast, regardless of the diet you follow and especially for children, as a healthy delicacy. In the basic recipe you can add some berries, lemon or orange zest, cocoa powder, chopped dark chocolate (> 85% cocoa content), or cinnamon and depending on the ingredient you adding, the muffins will acquire a special flavor and aroma. Sometimes I just use lemon zest as an extra ingredient and they're just perfect! The muffins are often served with a buttercream frosting for a richer taste, but using this version the calories as well as the carbohydrates increases. This time I go for the simple version but there is also the relevant buttercream recipe for those who wish (half the amount is enough).

Keto cheesecake muffins
Keto cheesecake muffins

Keto Cheesecake Muffins

Servings: 11

• Ingredients: 2 / Medium sized eggs 300 g / Cream cheese 200 g / Almond flour 12 g / Baking powder 100 g / Erythritol-stevia blend 1:1 or any other natural sweetener of your choice • Optional: 1 tsp / Orange zest (organic) 60 g / Dark chocolate (> 85% cocoa powder content)* (chopped) 2 tsp / Cocoa powder (sugar-free)

Keto cheesecake muffins
Keto cheesecake muffins

• Instructions: 1 Let cream cheese and eggs for half an hour at room temperature before starting. 2 Preheat the oven (fan assisted) at 180°C. 3 Prepare the muffin tins (butter lightly or cover with special muffin papers). 4 In a bowl, whisk the eggs until fluffy, add cream cheese and sweetener (at this point you can also add the orange or lemon zest). 5 Continue mixing the almond flour and baking powder. 6 Add the chopped dark chocolate (optional).

Keto cheesecake muffins
Keto cheesecake muffins

* Notes on optional ingredients: • The addition of chocolate or fruit is always at the end. • If you want two-color muffins, add the cocoa powder to the 1/4 of the dough, distribute the rest of the mixture in the muffin forms and place 1 tsp of the cocoa mixture in each muffin. 7 Divide the mixture into 11-12 muffin tins and bake for 15 minutes. 8 After baking, let the muffins cool well. Serve plain or with homemade buttercream and enjoy!

Keto cheesecake muffins
Keto cheesecake muffins
Macros for 1 muffin: (with chocolate)
  1. Protein: 7,7 γρ

  2. Carbohydrates (net): 2,9 γρ

  3. Fat: 22 γρ

  4. Energy: 242 Kcal

Any nutritional analysis (macros) is based on an estimate calculated by the "Cronometer" application for the ingredients of each recipe. Differences can arise for a variety of reasons, such as product availability and food preparation. There is no guarantee that this information will be accurate.

I am not a nutritionist. If you have strict dietary needs I always recommend using an online nutrition calculator to calculate your totals using your exact brands you're using in this recipe as values may vary per brand.

Always keep in mind that ingredient replacements can change the outcome of the recipe in terms of taste, texture, appearance and of course macronutrients.

According to the current copyright law (N.2121/93), the republishing of part or the whole text, photos or videos as well as the rest of the article of this recipe is prohibited without the written permission of the author. It is also prohibited to use the recipes for commercial or other reasons and to exploit them in any way, without the written permission of the author.

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