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Keto Savoiardi (LadyFingers) Or Sponge Cake

Έγινε ενημέρωση: 4 Απρ 2023

Low carb, keto firendly savoiardi (LadyFingers) or sponge cake, gluten free, sugar free, dairy free and also diabetic friendly!

Keto / low carb

Keto savoiardi (LadyFingers)
Keto savoiardi (Lady Fingers)

This is an easy recipe for savoiardi (LadyFingers) or sponge cake, with only a few ingredients that probably all of us have in our kitchen.

Store bought packaged savoiardi contain gluten and sugar and they are full of preservatives.

That's why its excluded for a keto or low carb diet.

So I made this recipe witch is perfect to use, if you want to make a tiramisu or a charlotte or just to have a simple sponge cake!

Keto savoiardi
Keto savoiardi (LadyFingers) or sponge cake

Keto Savoiardi (LadyFingers) Or Sponge Cake

Pieces 32 -34

• Ingredients:

5 / Egg whites

5 / Egg yolks

1 Tbsp / Lemon juice

70 g / Erythritol-stevia blend 1:1 or other sweetener of your choice

160 g / Almond flour

1 tsp / Homade vanilla extract

• Instructions:

1 Preheat the oven at 180°C.

2 Beat the egg whites with the juice of the lemon and the sweetener for at least 5 minutes, to make a meringue.

The mixture must have stiff peaks and chewy texture.

3 Stir in the egg yolks one by one and

continue mixing.

4 At the end add the vanilla extract and the almond flour.

5 Stir lightly with a silicon spatula, folding the mixture, to incorporate.

6 With the help of a spoon, spread spoonfuls of the mixture on the non-stick baking paper. Try to make the shapes of the savoiardi.

7 Leave gaps in between as they rise a bit during the baking time.

* Tip.

Alternativ, for a sponge cake, you can spread the whole mixture on the baking tray, taking care for the surface to have the same thickness everywhere.

After baking, you can divide into smaller pieces to the size you want.

8 Bake for about 15 - 20 minutes until they're lightly golden.

9 After baking, let savoiardi cool a bit and try with a spatula to take them off the baking tray.

(Using a good quality baking paper makes this step easier).

10 Savoiardi are very light and dry cookies, that's why they're always combined with some cream or syrup to become soft and fluffy.

• Enjoy!

Keto Savoiardi (LadyFingers)
Keto savoiardi (LadyFingers)
Macros for the whole recipe:
  1. Protein: 68.3 g

  2. Carbs (net): 9.6 g

  3. Fat: 114 g

  4. Calories: 1370 Kcal

Any nutritional analysis (macros) is based on an estimate calculated by the "Cronometer" application for the ingredients of each recipe. Differences can arise for a variety of reasons, such as product availability and food preparation. There is no guarantee that this information will be accurate.

I am not a nutritionist. If you have strict dietary needs I always recommend using an online nutrition calculator to calculate your totals using your exact brands you're using in this recipe as values may vary per brand.

Always keep in mind that ingredient replacements can change the outcome of the recipe in terms of taste, texture, appearance and of course macronutrients.

According to the current copyright law (N.2121/93), the republishing of part or the whole text, photos or videos as well as the rest of the article of this recipe is prohibited without the written permission of the author. It is also prohibited to use the recipes for commercial or other reasons and to exploit them in any way, without the written permission of the author.

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