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Keto Cocoa Or Vanilla Custard Cream

Έγινε ενημέρωση: 8 Απρ 2023

Low carb keto friendly cocoa or vanilla custard cream, sugar-free, gluten free, with a dairy-free version and also diabetic friendly!

Keto /low carb

Keto cocoa or vanilla custard
Keto cocoa or vanilla custard

As I was a child I used to make custard in the afternoons.. you know that one.. the ready bought powder custard mixture made with milk.

This habit followed from time to time in adulthood as well.

I confess I really missed custard on the keto diet.

I tried many times to make a custard using low carb ingredients but the result wasn't creamy.

The alternative is now found and it is very similar to the conventional custard cream.

It is also the tastiest way to use egg yolks that are so nutritious.

(I usually have egg yolks left overs when I use only the egg whites in some recipes).

You can also have vanilla flavoured custard if you skip the cocoa powder.

For those who avoid dairy, it can be done with coconut milk and coconut cream.

You can also use this custard as a tart filling.

It so perfect! ❤️

Keto cocoa or vanilla custard
Keto cocoa or vanilla custard

Keto Cocoa Or Vanilla Custard Cream

Servings: 6


6 / Yolks (from medium sized eggs)

250 ml / Almond milk or water

250 ml / Bio heavy cream*

60 - 80 g / Erythritol - stevia blend 1:1

6 g / Powdered gelatin

1/8 tsp / Salt

1 tsp / Homemade vanilla extract

1/4 tsp / Guar gum (optional)

20 - 30 g / Cocoa powder*

Garnish (optional):

130 g / Whipped heavy cream*

1 - 2 Tbsp/ Grated dark chocolate (>85% cocoa)


1 In a medium sized sausepan heat the heavy cream and almond milk on a medium heat.

2 Mix cocoa powder* and guar gum and shift into the heavy cream mixture, stirring quickly with a hand whisk.

Keto cocoa or vanilla pudding cream
Keto cocoa or vanilla pudding cream

3 After the mixture comes to a boil, add the sweetener, salt, vanilla extract and remove the saucepan from the heat.

4 Mix the powdered gelatin with the rest of the almond milk and let soak for about 5 minutes.

5 Beat the yolks lightly and add spoonfuls of the hot mixture, to warm the yolks.

6 Then add the yolks to the cream mixture and place the pot again on the heat. Stir constantly!

7 Add the gelatin mixture and stir until slightly thickened.

Do not boil!

8 Divide the pudding into 6 jars or bowls and place in the fridge.

The cream thickens more as it cools.

* Notes

•If you avoid dairy you can use full fat coconut milk (400 ml + 100ml almond milk and for garnish cold, whipped coconut cream).

•You can also skip the cocoa powder for a vanilla flavoured pudding cream.

For garnish (optional):

9 Just beat 130 g of whipping cream until stiff picks, garnish and sprinkle with some grated dark chocolate.

Serve and enjoy!

Keto cocoa or vanilla custard
Keto cocoa or vanilla custard
Macros for 1 serving:
  1. Protein: 5.8 g

  2. Carbohydrates (net): 3 g

  3. Fat: 25 g

  4. Energy: 260 Kcal

Macros have been calculated for the version with cocoa powder, heavy cream, including garnish.

Any nutritional analysis (macros) is based on an estimate calculated by the "Cronometer" application for the ingredients of each recipe. Differences can arise for a variety of reasons, such as product availability and food preparation. There is no guarantee that this information will be accurate.

I am not a nutritionist. If you have strict dietary needs I always recommend using an online nutrition calculator to calculate your totals using your exact brands you're using in this recipe as values may vary per brand.

Always keep in mind that ingredient replacements can change the outcome of the recipe in terms of taste, texture, appearance and of course macronutrients.

According to the current copyright law (N.2121/93), the republishing of part or the whole text, photos or videos as well as the rest of the article of this recipe is prohibited without the written permission of the author. It is also prohibited to use the recipes for commercial or other reasons and to exploit them in any way, without the written permission of the author.

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