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Keto Bavarian Cream (Bavaroise)

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

Low carb, keto friendly Bavarian cream (Bavaroise) sugar-free, gluten free, with a dairy free version and also diabetic friendly!

Keto / Low carb

Keto Bavarian cream (bavaroise)
Keto Bavarian cream (bavaroise)

Bavarian cream known as "bavaroise" is a light -flavored pastry cream based on custard and added gelatin and whipped cream.

Bavaroise is used as filling for cakes, charlottes, puff pastry and eclairs, plain or with the addition of fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, etc.

So just because it has so many uses I decided to make a low carb version and why not even dairy free version.

Keto Bavarian Cream (Bavaroise)

• Ingredients for the basic cream:

150 ml / Heavy cream (bio)*

100 ml / Almond milk

7,5 g / Gelatin sheets

3 / Egg yolks

50 g / Erythritol-stevia blend 1:1

1 tsp / Homemade vanilla extract

1/5 tsp / Salt

Keto Bavarian cream (bavaroise)
Keto Bavarian cream (bavaroise)

Bavaroise cream:

250 g / Heavy cream (bio)*

15 g / Erythritol-stevia blend 1:1

Chocolate bavaroise cream:

100 g / Dark chocolate (> 85% cocoa content)*


• If you avoid dairy you can replace heavy cream with coconut cream

(just place some cans of coconut milk in the fridge the day before, and the day after drain the coconut water and use the solid coconut cream).

• Chocolate is used for a chocolate bavaroise cream (for eclairs), in this case you may need some more sweetener.

Keto Bavarian cream (bavaroise)
Keto Bavarian cream (bavaroise)


Main (Basic) Cream

1 In a small saucepan and low to medium heat, heat the cream with the almond milk, vanilla extract and salt.

2 When starts boiling, set aside.

3 In a bowl with cold water soak the gelatin to soften.

4 Whisk the yolks and sweetener with a hand whisk to fluff up a bit.

5 Then slowly add the hot cream mixture, stirring constantly.

6 Pur the mixture in the sauce pan and place again on the heat.

7 Drain and add the gelatin.

8 While stirring, wait for the mixture to start steaming but not boil!

If you have a kitchen thermometer, the cream temperature should be at 80 - 84 °C.

Keto Bavarian cream (bavaroise)
Keto Bavarian cream (bavaroise)

9 Pour the cream into a bowl, cover with a lid, and place in the refrigerator for more than 6 hours.

You can also divide this cream into individual serving bowls and then store in the fridge.

Even at this stage, when the cream is cold and set, can be used as a cake filling. Just beat for a while with the mixer to become fluffy before using.

10 Store in the fridge (covered) for about 10 days.

Bavaroise Cream

1 Beat the heavy cream and the sweetener with a mixer and before the mixture thickens add the "main base cream" gradually, beating to incorporate.

2 For the chocolate bavaroise cream you have to melt the chocolate (on a double boiler) and first mix to a part of the "main base cream".

3 After that mix the rest of the "main basic cream" with a silicone spatula.

Bavarian cream is ready for any use!


Macros for the whole main basic recipe:
  1. Protein: 17.4 g

  2. Carbohydrates (net): 7 g

  3. Fat: 59 g

  4. Energy: 621 Kcal

Macros for the whole Bavarian cream:
  1. Protein: 23 g

  2. Carbohydrates (net): 14.5 g

  3. Fat: 136 g

  4. Energy: 1350 Kcal

Macros for the whole chocolate Bavarian cream:
  1. Protein: 32 g

  2. Carbohydrates (net): 31.7 g

  3. Fat: 192 g

  4. Energy: 1963 Kcal

Keto Bavarian cream (bavaroise)
Keto Bavarian cream (bavaroise)

Any nutritional analysis (macros) is based on an estimate calculated by the "Cronometer" application for the ingredients of each recipe. Differences can arise for a variety of reasons, such as product availability and food preparation. There is no guarantee that this information will be accurate.

I am not a nutritionist. If you have strict dietary needs I always recommend using an online nutrition calculator to calculate your totals using your exact brands you're using in this recipe as values may vary per brand.

Always keep in mind that ingredient replacements can change the outcome of the recipe in terms of taste, texture, appearance and of course macronutrients.

According to the current copyright law (N.2121/93), the republishing of part or the whole text, photos or videos as well as the rest of the article of this recipe is prohibited without the written permission of the author. It is also prohibited to use the recipes for commercial or other reasons and to exploit them in any way, without the written permission of the author.

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